Rechargeable Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery
5.2kW | 7.2kW | 10kW
Convert your fuel-powered three-wheeler into electric mode.
You can rent the conversion kit from our company for 4 to 5 years and swap the batteries from our Battery Exchanging centers.
Rechargeable Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery
5.2kW | 7.2kW | 10kW
World-Class High-Power Motor
2kW | 3kW
120km | 150km
60 kmph
Please note that this business model is still under research and will be published shortly.
In this mode, we will convert your three-wheeler into electric mode, but the conversion kit and the other equipment we install in your vehicle will remain as properties of our company. There will be a contract between our company and the vehicle owner for three years. For the conversion process, you have to pay an initial deposit. At the end of the contract period, it will be paid back to you.
4500km per month
(150km per day)
LKR 1 650. 00 per day
You can make the payment in either daily, weekly, or monthly installments.
Per day Charge = LKR 1 650. 00 + (Distance Traveled) x (Per km charge)
If you cover the given distance of 4500km before 30 days, the per km charge will be
added for each kilometer in addition to the daily charges of LKR 1,650. 00.
LKR 2,500. 00
Per Day